Give blood, share life
The slogan is "Give blood. Share life” Blood transfusion is an essential component of emergency health care.
Emergencies increase the demand for blood transfusion and make its delivery challenging and complex.
Adequate supply of blood during emergencies requires a well -organized blood service, and this can only be ensured by engaging the entire community. The theme of this year's campaign is blood donation as an action of solidarity. It highlights the fundamental human values of altruism, respect, empathy and kindness which underline and sustain voluntary unpaid blood donation systems. The slogan "Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life" draws attention to the roles that voluntary donation systems play in encouraging people to care for one another and generate social ties and a united community and a blood donor population committed to voluntary unpaid blood donation throughout the year.
The theme of 2018 World Blood Donor Day is "Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life. The campaign aims to highlight stories of people whose lives have been saved through blood donation, as a way of motivating regular blood donors to continue giving blood, and to motivate people. The theme of this year's campaign is blood donation as an action of solidarity. It highlights the fundamental human values of altruism, respect, empathy and kindness which underline and sustain voluntary unpaid blood donation systems. The slogan, "Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life", draws attention to the roles that voluntary donation systems play in encouraging people to care for one another and generate social ties and a united community.
The campaign aims to highlight stories of people whose lives have been saved through blood donation, as a way of motivating regular blood donors to continue giving blood, and to motivate people in good health who have never given blood to begin doing so, particularly young people in good health who have never given blood to begin doing so, particularly young people. World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is celebrated every year on 14th June to thank voluntary non-remunerated blood donors for their life saving gift of blood and to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need. The theme of this year's campaign is "Be there for someone else" The slogan is "Give blood. Share life"
We consider this day as an opportunity to highlight stories of people whose lives have been saved through blood donation, to motivate regular blood donors to continue giving blood, and motivate people in good health who have never given blood to begin doing so, particularly young people. An adequate supply can only be assured through regular donations by voluntary, regular, repeat, non- remunerated blood donors.
The occasion may also be observed through conduction of drives primarily to enroll voluntary blood donors, and blood donation camps as wel as State and District level advocacy events for appreciating those who contribute to the cause. Also, during this period instructions may be sent to all licensed blood banks to issue blood without seeking replacements.
It may be mentioned that NBTC has created communication material with logo - "Rakt daan, Kar ke dekho accha lagta hai" and has begun a social media initiative RaktDaan India to spread awareness about blood donation and motivate people to participate in Voluntary Blood Donation Camps and Walk in to Blood Banks for donating blood through Social Media. You can download IEC material from our website
A Face Book page Rakt Daan India has been created by NBTC and one can place details of Outdoor Blood Donation Camps, In-house Blood Donation Camps and other events scheduled in the month of June 2018 by licensed blood banks in the State on al social media platforms. A team of volunteers would support this activity and place the information of activities from 1st June to 30th June on the Rakt daan. India page so as to send notifications to al registered users/ blood donors on Facebook within a vicinity of 5 - 10 km which is expected to result in massive outreach of appeal for Voluntary Blood Donation and awareness for the cause.
Further details in this regard may be obtained from Jol y J Lazarus, Programme Officer (Voluntary Blood donation), National Blood Transfusion Council, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at Mob: 9560217382 and [email protected]. Report on observance along with photo documentation of the event may be shared with NACO/NBTC at [email protected]
Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.
The lives and health of mil ions of people are affected by emergencies every year. In the last decade, disasters have caused more than 1 million deaths, with more than 250 million people being affected by emergencies every year. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and storms create considerable needs for emergency health care, while at the same time, often destroying vital health facilities as well. Man-made disasters such as road accidents and armed conflicts also generate substantial health care demands and the need for front-line treatment.
The objectives of this year's campaign to celebrate and thank individuals who donate blood and to encourage those who have not yet donated blood to start donating and to raise wider awareness that blood donation is an altruistic action that benefits al of society and that an adequate supply can only be ensured through regular donations by voluntary, unpaid blood donors to highlight the need for committed, year-round blood donation, in order to maintain adequate supplies and achieve national self-sufficiency of blood and also to focus attention on blood donation as an expression of community participation in the health system, and the importance of community participation in maintaining sufficient, safe and sustainable blood supplies to promote the community values of blood donation in enhancing community solidarity and social cohesion and in in encouraging people to care for one another and build a caring community;
The highlight of this year's campaign would be engagement with the social media platforms through an initiative cal ed RaktDaan India. For this, a Facebook page has been created by National Blood Transfusion Council, MoHFW. NBTC has created communication material with logo - "Rakt daan, Kar ke dekho accha lagta hai" to spread awareness about blood donation and motivate people to participate in Voluntary Blood Donation Camps and Walk in to Blood Banks for donating blood. You can download IEC material from
The Chief Secretary /Health Secretary of the State May organize a meeting with senior officials of the State Health Departments , SBTC, Govt. Organization ( Sports, Youth Affairs, Higher Education ) State head of youth organizations. Social organizations, Presidents of Clubs to ensure their support in promotion of voluntary Blood Donation. Every blood bank must do at least 4 camps during the month and should be able col ect 100 - 200 blood units, and additional y conduct blood grouping camps to enroll voluntary blood donors on to
Rallies/ Seminars/ Workshops may be conducted for awareness of voluntary donations. Meetings may be held with regional channels, Doordarshan, private FM channels to telecast discussions on healthy blood donations.
Posters, pamphlets other IEC material may be disseminated to educate col ege students, Sports personnel's, police, para medical forces and other important institutions/ organizations.
Educational Institutes, Blood Donors, Blood Banks, Non-Government Organizations may be identified, felicitated instances of Voluntary Blood Donation should be celebrated
The Blood Transportation Vans and blood mobile vehicles may be painted with the theme of WBDD on one side.
Posters and banners of World Blood Donor Day 2018 displaying the theme and slogan should be put up in and around every licensed blood bank. Talks and nukkad natak may be organized with the support of NGO partners, SACS, SBTC, State Health Mission etc. The target is to col ect 100 - 200 units of blood during the month. This can be through conduction of voluntary blood donation camps, in-house voluntary blood donation and use of blood mobile col ection vans.
Blood Grouping camps may be conducted to enrol voluntary blood donors and this donor database be positioned on to website for use by licensed blood banks. Attempt is to be made to enroll at least 500 - 1000 blood donors per blood bank.
As you are aware NBTC has created communication material with logo - "RaktDaan, Kar ke dekho accha lagta hai" and has begun a social media initiative RaktDaan India to spread awareness about blood donation and motivate people to participate in Voluntary Blood Donation Camps and Walk in to Blood Banks for donating blood through Social Media. You can download IEC material from our website
A facebook page RaktDaan India has been created and NBTC endeavors to work closely with al NACO supported Blood banks under RaktDaan India initiative to strive to promote Voluntary Blood Donation.
You are requested to place details of Outdoor Blood Donation Camps, In house Blood Donation Camps and other events scheduled in the month of June 2018 on al social media platforms. A team of volunteers would support this activity and place the information of activities from 1st June to 30n June on the RaktDaan India page so as to send notifications to al registered users/ blood donors on Facebook within a vicinity of 5 - 10 km which is expected to result in massive outreach of appeal for Voluntary Blood Donation and awareness for the cause.
The team of volunteers would be col ecting information through the Google form link- SSdk-Pu-npfqAsmzIU/
Further details in this regard may be obtained from Jol y J Lazarus, Programme Officer (Voluntary Blood donation), National Blood Transfusion Council, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at [email protected]. You may also get in touch with Harsh Vitra, who would coordinate the volunteer interface at +917021485889
Kohima March 2019