Estd. 2006


Rubber Board to engage junior research fellow in Economics Division

The Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) proposes to engage a ‘Junior Research Fellow’ to work in the Economics Division on temporary basis through a written test cum walk-in interview. Candidates must hold a Master’s degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Agricultural Economics with one year experience in data collection and analysis. Age should not exceed 30 years as of 01 January 2025.  Interested candidates may appear before the Director (Research), Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam–9 on March 27 2025 at 9.30 am along with the original certificates for the proof of age, educational qualifications and experience. For details contact on phone 0481-2353311 or visit

(Posted on March 12, 2025)


Walk-in interview for Trainees

The Rubber Board proposes to engage ‘Graduate Trainee’ and ‘Faculty Trainee’ in National Institute for Rubber Training at Puthupally, Kottayam on a temporary basis through walk-in interview.

Candidates for ‘Graduate Trainee’ must be a graduate in Chemistry or Diploma holder in Polymer Science / Polymer Technology.

Age should not exceed 30 years as on January 1 2025. Candidates for ‘Faculty Trainee’ must be a BTech / M Tech holder in Polymer Technology or Rubber Technology. One year experience in the relevant field is required.  

Interested candidates may report before the Director (Training), National Institute for Rubber Training, Kottayam - 686009 on February 6 2025 at 10 am with their original certificates showing proof of age, qualification and experience.

For details, visit and one 0481 2353326, 2353327

(Posted on January 27, 2025)


Agniveer Recruitment Rally for Nagaland

The Indian Army has announced the Agniveer Recruitment Rally for shortlisted candidates from Nagaland scheduled to take place from December 16 to 19 2024 at the Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima. This rally is being conducted under the Agnipath Scheme, providing a valuable opportunity for the youth of Nagaland to join the prestigious Indian Army.

Candidates who have been shortlisted can now download their admit cards from the official ‘Join Indian Army’ website using their registered email ID and password. In case of any difficulty in downloading the admit card, candidates are encouraged to contact the Army Recruiting Office (ARO), Rangapahar via landline at 03862-249012 or mobile at 7628023484 for assistance.

The online Common Entrance Exam for this recruitment was conducted between April 22 and May 3 2024, and the results of were communicated to candidates via email and are also available on the official website. The Agnipath Scheme aims to provide meaningful employment opportunities for the youth of Nagaland and integrate them into the nation’s defense forces. Further information is available on the official website

(Posted on November 25, 2024)


Pilot Jobs

Ready to soar with one of the world’s TOP airlines? Etihad Airways is looking for A350 & A380 First Officers Apply here
Go from A320 Senior First Officer to Captain in just one year. Don’t miss this career upgrade chance at Wizz Air. Join now: Apply here

Air Arabia Maroc is seeking A320 T/R First Officers for an immediate start. Interested in the role? Apply here

(Posted on November 23 2024)


Engagement of 40 Contractual Young Professionals

The Rubber Board has invited online applications for engagement of 40 Contractual young professionals from different states of North Eastern region such as Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh and 10 young professionals in rubber non-traditional areas (Karnataka, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal) with consolidated pay of Rs 40000 per month. This was stated in a press note issued by the Rubber Board.

Details of the notification can be found on the Rubber Board’s website ( Interested candidates can apply online only through the "Online Recruitment Application" link on the website, by the closing date for submission is November 30 2024, the statement said. 

The statement further informed that the aspiring candidates should possess B Sc. degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/Forestry or M Sc. degree in Botany/Plant Science from a recognized university. Candidates from the North Eastern region only will be eligible to apply for vacancies in the NE region.

Candidates from the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal will be given preference for posts in the Non-Traditional (NT) region.

Preference will be given to candidates having proficiency in local language. Maximum age limit of applicants shall be 30 years as on 1st October 2024. Period of engagement will be up to March 31 2026. The selected candidates will be assigned duties related to extension and development activities of Rubber Production department in NT and NE regions. 

(Posted on October 23, 2024)


Walk-in interview for Graduate Trainees                                               

The Rubber Board proposes to engage ‘Graduate Trainees’ at Rubber Board Head Office on contract basis for a period of 11 months, through  walk-in interview. Candidates must be a graduate in Commerce with minimum 60 per cent marks and should have proficiency in computer, especially in MS office, Tally and possess good communication skills in Malayalam, English and Hindi.

Age should not exceed 30 years as of 01 September 2024.

Interested candidates may report before the Director Training (i/c), NIRT, Kottayam-9, at 10 am on October 28 2024, along with their original certificates to prove age, qualification and experience.

For details visit or Phone 0481- 2301231(Ext-342).

(Posted on October 17, 2024)


Walk-in interview for Front Office Executives

The Rubber Board proposes to engage ‘Front Office Executives’ in the National Institute for Rubber Training (NIRT) on contract basis for a period of 11 months, through  walk-in interview. Candidates must be a graduate in Science, Commerce or Arts with minimum 60 per cent marks and should have proficiency in computer, especially in MS office, Tally and possess good communication skills in Malayalam, English and Hindi.

Age should not exceed 30 years as of September 1 2024.

Interested candidates may report before the Director Training (i/c), NIRT, Kottayam-9, at 10 am on October 28 2024 along with their original certificates to prove age, qualification and experience.

For details visit or Phone 0481- 2353325.

(Posted on October 11 2024)


Vacancy announcement for stenographer Grade II position

The North Eastern Council (NEC) Secretariat has issued an official vacancy advertisement (No ADMN-13012/1/2017-ADMN) dated August 13 2024 for the post of Stenographer Grade II. The position is to be filled on a deputation basis.

As per the circular, the advertisement invites applications from eligible candidates to fill the position at the NEC Secretariat located in Shillong, Meghalaya. Organizations and Departments are requested to forward applications from eligible and willing candidates to within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement published in the Employment News.

(Posted on September 11 2024)


Interview for the posts of Junior Academic Officer

Nagaland Board of School Education has informed all concerned that the Oral Interview for the posts of Junior Academic Officer (Computer Science, Economics, Physics), which was postponed indefinitely in view of the enforcement of Model Code of Conduct, will now be held on July 17 2024 in the office of the Nagaland Board of School Education. Bayavu Hill, Kohima.

As notified earlier, candidates bearing the following roll numbers (in ascending order) have been selected to appear for the oral interview -

Computer Science:      Roll Nos. 24001          24004              24005

Economics:                  Roll Nos. 24008          24009              24011              24013

Physics:                       Roll. Nos. 24030         24032              24034              24041

Candidates selected for the interview have been informed to report in the Board's office by 10 am on the day of the interview. The candidates have also been informed to bring all relevant documents in original as given in the 'Instructions to Applicants' uploaded earlier in the NBSE portal.

(Posted on July 10 2024)


New Vacancies at ICIMOD

Vacancy announcement for the following positions at ICIMOD. These vacancies are currently active on our website and we are accepting applications from suitable candidates. 

Interested candidates can apply using our (click) online application system. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Position: Environmental Economist
Application deadline: July 14 2024

Position: Strategic Group Lead
Application deadline: August 04 2024

Call for Expression of Interest (EoI)
Consultant Roster 2024 - 2026

Individual Consultancies
Copy editing services

Digital design art services 

Video editing services

Videography and editing support/Filmmaker 

Photography support

(Posted on July 01 2024)


Indian Air Force invites applications for selection test for Agniveervayu intake 02/2025

The Indian Air Force invites online applications from unmarried Indian male and female candidates born between July 3 2004 and January 3 2008 for selection test for Agniveervayu intake 02/2025 under the Agnipath Scheme. 

Online registration will commence from July 8 2024 to July 28 2024 and online examination dates scheduled from October 18 2024 onwards.

For detailed information on entry level qualification, medical standards, terms and conditions, instructions for filling up online applications and registration for Agniveervayu intake 02/2025 log on to

(Posted on June 28 2024}


Nagaland Government invites applications for Member Post In NSSB

The Public & Administrative Reforms Department, Nagaland, has invited applications to fill the post of 1 (one) Member for the Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB), as per the Nagaland Staff Selection Board Regulations, 2020.

The eligible candidates must have at least 25 years of experience in public administration, public service, and academics, with no prior disciplinary action against them during their service.

The detailed terms of employment are available in the NSSB Regulations 2020, which can be accessed on the Department's website at

Interested candidates are required to submit their biodata, service details, and experience in the proforma available at Annexure-I on the Department's website.

The last date for submission of applications is within 20 (twenty) days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Applicants can submit their online applications to the official email - [email protected].

It is important to note that only Indigenous Inhabitants of the Nagaland State are eligible to apply for this post.

(Posted on May 09 2024)


Extension of date for online registration for Agniveervayu Intake 01/2025

The Indian Air Force notification for online registration for Agniveervayu Intake 01/2025 has been extended upto February 11 2024. The online registration at will close on February 11 2024 at 11 pm. 

(Posted on February 07 2024)


Walk-in interview for Engineering Trainees

The Rubber Board proposes to engage ‘Engineering Trainees’ in Civil and Electrical Engineering in its Engineering and Processing Division at Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII), Kottayam, on a temporary basis through a walk-in interview. Candidates must hold a BTech Degree in Civil or Electrical Engineering with a minimum of 60 per cent marks and one year experience in supervision and estimation of works. Knowledge of Auto Cad is desirable.

Age should not exceed 25 years as of November 1 2023.

Interested candidates may report before the Joint Director, Processing and Quality Control, RRII, Kottayam-9, at 10 am on December 7 2023 along with their original certificates to prove age, qualification and experience.

For details or phone 0481- 2353311 (Extn 236).

(Posted on November 16 2023)


Recruitment Results finalized by UPSC in September 2023

The following Recruitment Results have been finalized by the Union Public Service Commission during the month of September 2023. The recommended candidates have been informed individually by post.

(Posted on October 27 2023)


Applications invited for MTS post at VHC Chakhabama

In compliance with the Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench's judgment order dated July 24 2023, in WP(C) No 64/2016 (Mhalevizo Thevo vs. State of Nagaland & Ors), applications have been invited from indigenous inhabitants of Kohima District for the position of 1 (One) Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) at Veterinary Health Center (VHC) Chakhabama.

This position falls under Pay Matrix Level-I and is under the establishment of the Chief Veterinary Officer, Kohima, Department of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Nagaland, Kohima.

Applications and details can be obtained from the Directorate of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services, Kohima. The last date for the receipt of applications is October 26 2023.

(Posted on October 17 2023)


Recruitment results finalised by UPSC in September 2023

The following Recruitment Results have been finalized by the Union Public Service Commission during the month of September 2023. The recommended candidates have been informed individually by post. Applications of other candidates were duly considered but regretted that it has not been possible to call them for interview/recommend them for the post.

(Posted on October 09 2023)


IAF Recruitment Rally for Agniveervayu (Musician)

The Indian Air Force invites unmarried Indian male candidates to appear in the recruitment rally on September 12 and 15 2023 for the States of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Sikkim and West Bengal at 11 ASC, VIP Chowk, Borjhar, Guwahati (Assam) to join the IAF as Agniveervayu (Musician) for Agniveervayu Intake 02/2023.

Candidates should be unmarried and born between 26 December 26 2002 and June 26 2006 (both dates inclusive).

Reporting time at Rally Venue is at 6 a.m. on September 12 and September 15 2023 and the last time to report is at 10:00 a.m.

For details candidates may login to the website:

(Posted on August 28 2023)


Agniveer Recruitment Phase-II in Nagaland

The Indian Army has completed Phase-I of the Agniveer Recruitment process, which included an online Common Entrance Examination (CEE) conducted from April 17 to 26 2023. The results of the successful candidates of the online CEE were uploaded on the "JOIN INDIAN ARMY" website in May 2023, and the shortlisted candidates have been notified via their registered email addresses.

The Phase-II recruitment process is scheduled from June 2023 in various parts of the country. For Nagaland candidates, a recruitment rally will take place at Rangapahar, Dimapur, from the September 13 to 14 2023. The rally will assess the candidates' performance in a 1.6 km Run, basic physical fitness, measurement, and medical examination.

Candidates who have not received their Admit Cards for Phase II can contact the Army Recruiting Office, Rangapahar, Dimapur, through email ([email protected]) or mobile (8974958673) to obtain the necessary information.

(Posted on July 29 2023)


NESTS issues notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) -2023 for filling up 4062 vacancies for teaching and non-teaching staff

National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS), an autonomous organisation under Ministry of Tribal Affairs, is conducting recruitment drive for teaching and non-teaching staff for EMRSs. NESTS have recently released notification for EMRS Staff Selection Exam (ESSE) 2023 for filling up 4062vacancies.

This will result in positioning of quality human resource in the EMRSs to improve educational standards in EMRSs.

The application process for the same has started from 30.06.2023.

NESTS in coordination with the CBSE, is conducting ESSE-2023 in “OMR Based (Pen-Paper)” mode to fill up the vacancies of teaching and non-teaching staff in EMRSs for the vacancies below -

Post Vacancies

Principal 303

PGT 2266

Accountant 361

Jr Secretariat Assistant (JSA) 759

Lab Attendant 373

Total 4062

The detailed process of online applications, eligibility criteria and other details with syllabus for each post is available on the website -

The recruitment process has been initiated in order to fill the vacant positions in EMRSs across the States/UTs. The portal for receiving the applications is open from 30.06.2023 to 31.07.2023.

EMRS is a flagship intervention of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs to provide quality education to tribal population in every block with 50% or more ST population and 20,000 or more tribal persons.

(Posted on July 14 2023)


Recruitment for MTS Posts (Check Salary and Application Process)

(Posted on July 13 2023)


Job at Meghalaya Human Rights Commission

The Secretary, Meghalaya Human Rights Commission has informed all the candidates that the written test for the post of Grade IV (Peon) in the office of the Meghalaya Human Rights Commission is scheduled to be held on July 8 2023 at NEHU Convocation Centre in Shillong from 9 am onwards for the registration and verification of admit cards and are advised to go through the instruction given along with the Admit Cards carefully for their guidance.

Admit cards can be downloaded from the website:

(Posted on July 03 2023)


Job seekers invited to register with MCC

The Employment Exchange Model Career Centre (MCC) at Shillong invites job seekers from East Khasi Hills District to register with the Employment Exchange Career Centre (MCC), Shillong for different opportunities available (Skill Building Training, Employment Opportunities or Job Fairs).

Candidates may visit the Employment Exchange, Shillong at: 4th Floor, Divisional Employment Exchange, Directorate of Employment & Craftsmen Training Building, Grove Site, Keating Road, Shillong-793001, or visit website  

(Posted on June 21 2023)


Junior Research Fellow in RRII

Applications invited for the post of ‘Junior Research Fellow’ under the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) at Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) on a consolidated remuneration. Candidate must hold a first class Master’s degree / MTech in Biotechnology/ Agriculture /Botany and Microbiology. Experiences in molecular biology, bio informatics analysis and computer programming are desirable.

Age should not exceed 30 years as on April 30 2023. Interested candidates may apply with their bio data to the Assistant Secretary, Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board PO Puthupally, Kottayam – 686009.

Last date of application is June 23 2023. For details, visit

(Posted on June 09 2023)


Aviation Jobs 

SAS Connect is hiring Airbus A320neo First officers based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Apply here.

Be the face of the company as Air Belgium seeks skilled Airbus A330-900neo First Officers. Start your journey in Europe now! Apply here

Air Atlanta Icelandic is looking for Boeing 777 First Officers to join their operation! Apply now

Would you like to start receiving more relevant job recommendations? Create your CV here - it will only take 3 minutes!

(Published on May 27 2023)


Latest jobs in Aviation 

Air Atlanta Icelandic seeks Captains for the Queen of the Skies, the Boeing 747-400. Apply now and begin your new journey! Apply here 

Calling ICAO ATPL A320 Captains! Join Etihad Airways as they invite you to UAE. Explore the stunning Palm Jumeirah in Dubai. Apply now 

SAS Link seeks experienced Captains to join their EMB190/195 fleet in Oslo. Join now and start your career in SAS Group. Apply here

Would you like to start receiving more relevant job recommendations? Create your CV here - it will only take 3 minutes!

(Posted on May 23 2023)


Walk-in interview for Engineering Trainee                                                 

The Rubber Board proposes to engage one ‘Engineering Trainee’ in Mechanical Engineering in its Engineering and Processing Division, Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) at Kottayam on a temporary basis through walk-in-interview. Candidates must hold a B.Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Age should not exceed 25 years as on January 1 2023.

Interested candidates may report before the Joint Director, Processing and Quality Control, RRII, Kottayam-9, at 10am on 10 May 2023, along with their original certificates in proof of age, qualification and experience.

For details visit or Phone 0481- 2353311 (Extn.236).

(Posted on May 02 2023)


Aviation Jobs

Companies across the aviation industry are looking for new team members. Find latest jobs on

Click link below -

(Posted on December 22 2022)


Walk-in interview for Engineering Trainee                                                                       

The Rubber Board proposes to engage ‘Engineering Trainee’ in Electrical Engineering section in its Engineering and Processing Division, Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) at Kottayam on a temporary basis through walk-in-interview on December 1.

Candidates must have a BTech Degree in Electrical Engineering and one year practical experience. Age should not exceed 25 years as on January 1 2022.

Interested candidates may report before the Joint Director, Processing and Quality Control, RRII, Kottayam-9, at 9 am on December 1 2022 along with their original certificates in proof of age, qualification and experience.

For details, visit or Phone: 0481- 2353311 (Extn.236).

(Posted on November 18 2022)


Nagaland Governor’s Secretariat

Job Advertisement

Sub:     Appointment of Assistant Electrician under Governor’s Secretariat on deputation.

            Applications are invited from serving qualified Electricians working under any state or central department, for filling up 1 (one) post of Assistant Electrician in the Pay matrix level- 5(20500-65100) under Governor’s Secretariat on deputation, initially for a period of two years (likely to be absorbed).

            Interested candidates may apply along with NOC from their respective departments/organisations, address it to the Commissioner &Secretary Governor and submit it by hand on or before December 17 2022.

            Commissioner& Secretary to Governor reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason(s) whatsoever.

Terms -

  1. Candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their application with photocopies of all relevant documents and a recent passport sized photograph. The applicants are required to clearly indicate details such as email id, phone number and full postal address in their applications.
  2. Age relaxation will be as per the Government of Nagaland norms.
  3. The date and venue for skill test and interview will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates in due course of time.       
  4. Please note that applications with incomplete documentation and details for correspondence will be summarily rejected and no separate intimation for this will be sent. 
  5. Candidates canvassing in any manner will stand disqualified.

(Posted on November 17 2022)


Job posting: Junior Consultant

Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM) has a Job vacancy. We are looking to hire a candidate for the position of Junior Consultant on a short-term assignment for a duration of 4 months from October 2022 to January 2023 (It is likely that the project will continue for another year).

The candidate should have a Master’s degree with three to four years of experience in natural resource management with a focus on land, soil, and water. The candidate should have a good understanding of watershed planning and management, agroecological systems, digital tools, data analysis, and reporting systems.

The candidate should also have good research, analytical, and writing skills and should have a good command over English and Marathi.

The candidate would be expected to work from the Pune office and travel within or outside Maharashtra for fieldwork. Interested candidates, please send us your two-page Resume / CV and one or two published papers (if there are any) at [email protected] by September 30 2022. 

(Posted on September 27 2022)


Walk in interview for Analytical Trainees                

The Rubber Board proposes to engage five ‘Analytical Trainees’ in its Central Quality Control Laboratory functioning under the Engineering and Processing Division, Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) at Kottayam on a temporary basis through walk-in-interview.

Candidates must hold a Master’s Degree / Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry for four posts in the first category and a Diploma in Polymer / Rubber Technology for one post in the second category. Knowledge in Computer Science is desirable for all posts.

Age should not exceed 25 years as on January 1 2022.

Interested candidates may report before the Joint Director, Processing and Quality Control, RRII, Kottayam at 9.30 am on September 6 2022, along with their original certificates in proof of age, qualification and experience. For details, visit or Phone: 0481- 2353311 (Ext 236).

(Posted on August 28 2022)

Agniveer recruitment rally for India army

Details concerning Agniveer Recruitment Rally for male candidates of states of Tripura, Mizoram and 20 districts of West, Lower and South Assam has been uploaded on the Indian Army Website

All candidates desirous of availing the opportunity of joining the Indian Army are advised to login on the website and apply for attending the recruitment rally. Registration has started on August 05 and will close on September 2 2022.

Sreeprakash J Wing Commander, PRO Defence informed Notification for Women Candidates for Agniveer (Women) Recruitment Rally for Corps of Military Police for recruiting year 2022-23 has also been uploaded and the registrations have started from August 9 and will close on September 7.

Candidates from the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya can apply for the NE Zone Agniveer Women Recruitment Rally.

All candidates are advised to acquaint themselves with the contents of the notification. The notification is available on

(Posted on August 10 2022)


Pilot Job

Emirates, Virgin Atlantic, and British Airways recruiting First Officers

(Posted on August 05 2022)


Skill Development Training

The Deputy Commissioner-cum- Chairman Meghalaya State Skills Development Society, South Garo Hills, Baghmara has inform that Meghalaya State Skills Development Society, Government of Meghalaya under “Skills Meghalaya” program, skill training activities are currently implemented in South Garo Hills on baking technician, bamboo handicrafts and arts etc.

Other activities undertaken under “Skills Megahlaya” are stem-skill training in educational institutions for employment & M-STARTT Meghalaya, START-Up for trainers.

The detailed document is available at Interested and eligible candidates can apply online@ on or before August 5 2022.

(Posted on July 08 2022)


Agniveer Vayu Intake 01/2022 under Agnipath Scheme

The Indian Air Force invites online applications from unmarried male (Indian/Nepalese) candidates for selection test for the Agniveer Vayu Intake 01/2022 under Agnipath Scheme. Online examinations will commence from July 24 2022 onwards.

Online registration has commenced from 10 a.m. of June 24 and will close at 5 p.m. of July 5 2022. Only online registered applications shall be accepted.

For online registration, candidates may login to the website: Detailed information may be obtained from and 

(Posted on July 01 2022)


National Institute of Fashion Technology

The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) requires the services of suitable and competent officers for appointment on deputation basis for the vacant post of Joint Director (Level-12) at NIFT in Shillong. The position involves responsibility of smooth running of the Campus and as such the incumbent should be a capable administrator.

The tenure will be for three years.

Eligible and interested Senior Grade Officers of the Meghalaya Civil Services (MCS) may apply for the said post. For further details, Col. Vikrant Lakhanpal, Registrar, NIFT may be contacted at email - [email protected]

(Posted on May 18 2022)  


Department of women resource development invites applications

The Department of Women Resource Development invites applications for School dropout female candidates who are Indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland and are willing to undergo two months course programme for enabling self employment at Multi Training Centre (MTC), Bayavu, Kohima and Multi Training Centre (MTC), Purana Bazaar, Dimapur in the Trades of Tailoring and Knitting.

Application addressed to the Director, Women Resource Development in plain paper stating bio-data, two recent passport photographs, self-attested copies of relevant mark sheet, birth certificate and any other relevant documents are to be submitted.

For Kohima, MTC

·         Application to be submitted at Directorate Office, Bayavu colony, Kohima.

·         Interview will be held at MTC Meriema (near Nagaland University) on October 4 2021 at 10:30 a.m. onwards.

·         All intending candidates to be at the centre by 10:00 am.

·         One seat will be reserved for people with disabilities (PwDs). If not filled by the PwDs the seat will be allotted to the general category.

For Dimpur, MTC

·         Application to be submitted at MTC, Purana Bazaar, Dimapur.

·         Interview will be held on October 4 2021 at 10:30 a.m. onwards.

·         All intending candidates to be at the centre by 10 a.m.

·         One seat will be reserved for people with disabilities (PwDs). If not filled by the PwDs the seat will be allotted to the general category.

The last date for submission of applications in both the centres shall be October 1 2021 and results of the interview will be declared on the same day, classes to commence on October 6 2021 for both the centres at Kohima and Dimapur.


Education Qualification: (a) Class VI Passed for Knitting and (b) Class VIII Passed for Tailoring.

Age: 18 to 35 years as on October 1 2021.


Rubber Board to engage research fellows for industrial research

Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) proposes to engage two ‘Junior Research Fellows’ and a ‘Senior Research Fellow’ under industrial research fellowship scheme of Advanced Centre for Rubber Technology on consolidated remuneration, through a written test/ walk-in-interview or both. Candidates for Junior Research Fellows must hold a Master’s degree in Chemistry/Polymer Chemistry/Organic Chemistry or B.Tech in Polymer Science/ Rubber Technology. Candidates for Senior Research Fellow must hold Ph.D in Rubber Chemistry/Technology/Polymer Chemistry and Technology/Organic Chemistry.  Age should not exceed 32 years for Junior Research Fellow and 40 years for Senior Research Fellow, as on March 1 2021.  Interested candidates may send their application to the Assistant Secretary (Research), Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam – 9. For details visit


Assistant Protocol Officer Vacancy in Cabinet Secretariat Government of India Recruitment 2021

Cabinet Secretariat Government of India 2021 recruitment notification has been released for Assistant Protocol Officer Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 22-03-2021.

Cabinet Secretariat Government of India February 2021 Notification Details

Assistant Protocol Officer MBA/PGDM

Job Location Ranchi

Total Vacancies 1

Date Added 25/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 22/03/2021


Protocol Officer Vacancy in Cabinet Secretariat Government of India Recruitment 2021

Cabinet Secretariat Government of India 2021 recruitment notification has been released for Protocol Officer Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 22-03-2021.

Cabinet Secretariat Government of India February 2021 Notification Details

Protocol Officer Diploma, MBA/PGDM

Job Location Ranchi

Total Vacancies 3

Date Added 25/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 22/03/2021


Technical Specialist vacancy in National Centre for Disease Control Recruitment 2021

National Centre for Disease Control 2021 recruitment notification has been released for Technical Specialist Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 08-03-2021.

National Centre for Disease Control February 2021 Notification Details

Technical Specialist MBBS, MS/MD

Job Location New Delhi

Total Vacancies 2

Date Added 24/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 08/03/2021


Consultant Finance vacancy in National Centre for Disease Control Recruitment 2021

National Centre for Disease Control 2021 recruitment notification has been released for Consultant Finance Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 08-03-2021.

National Centre for Disease Control February 2021 Notification Details

Consultant Finance B.Com, CA, M.Com, MBA/PGDM

Job Location New Delhi

Total Vacancies 1

Date Added 24/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 08/03/2021


Technical Assistant vacancy in Government of Goa Recruitment 2021

Government of Goa 2021 recruitment notification has been released for Technical Assistant Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 15-03-2021.

Government of Goa February 2021 Notification Details

Technical Assistant B.Sc, B.Tech/B.E

Job Location Panjim/Panaji

Total Vacancies 2

Date Added 24/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 15/03/2021


Home Guard Volunteers vacancy in Home Guard and Civil Defence Organization Recruitment 2021

Home Guard and Civil Defence Organization 2021 recruitment notification has been released for Home Guard Volunteers Vacancies; explore all details here and apply on/before 31-03-2021.

Home Guard and Civil Defence Organization February 2021 Notification Details

Home Guard Volunteers 8TH

Job Location Panjim/Panaji

Total Vacancies 296

Date Added 24/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 31/03/2021


Research Assistant vacancy in Raman Research Institute Recruitment 2021

Raman Research Institute invites application for the Research Assistant job vacancy, find complete information here and apply on/before 14-03-2021.

Raman Research Institute February 2021 Notification Details

Research Assistant M.Sc, M.E/M.Tech

Job Location Bangalore

Total Vacancies 2

Date Added 17/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 14/03/2021


Project Engineer vacancy in Raman Research Institute Recruitment 2021

Raman Research Institute invites application for the Project Engineer job vacancy, find complete information here and apply on/before 31-03-2021.

Raman Research Institute February 2021 Notification Details

Project Engineer B.Tech/B.E

Job Location Bangalore

Total Vacancies 2

Date Added 17/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 31/03/2021


ISM Dhanbad Recruitment 2021 Government Jobs

ISM Dhanbad Recruitment 2021-22: Apply Online for 1 Junior Research Fellow Vacancies in ISM Dhanbad Recruitment 2021-22 in Dhanbad. New Recruitment 2021-22 Jobs notification published for the post Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow in ISM Dhanbad Recruitment 2021-22 read complete details before applying in ISM Dhanbad Notification for the post Technical Officer.

Technical Officer Vacancy in Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad Recruitment 2021

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad recently released advertisement regarding Technical Officer Recruitment 2021, last date for application submission is 20-03-2021.

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad February 2021 Notification Details

Technical Officer B.Tech/B.E, M.Sc, M.E/M.Tech

Job Location Dhanbad

Total Vacancies 3

Date Added 06/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 20/03/2021

Junior Research Fellow vacancy in Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad Recruitment 2021

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad recently released advertisement regarding Junior Research Fellow recruitment 2021, last date for application submission is 09-03-2021.

Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad February 2021 Notification Details

Junior Research Fellow B.Tech/B.E, M.E/M.Tech

Job Location Dhanbad

Total Vacancies 1

Date Added 12/02/2021

Last Date to Apply 09/03/2021


Rubber Board

Walk in interview for Analytical Trainees    

The Rubber Board proposes to engage ‘Analytical Trainees’ in its Statistics and Planning Department at Kottayam, on temporary basis, through walk-in-interview. Candidates must hold Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics/ Agricultural Statistics/ Mathematics with knowledge in Computer Science. 

Age should not exceed 30 years as on April 1 2020.  Interested candidates may report before the Joint Director, Statistics and Planning (in-charge), Rubber Board Head Office, Kottayam- 2, at 10 am on March 10 2021, along with their original certificates in proof of age, qualification and experience. 

For details visit  Phone: 0481 2301231 (Extn.357) or 0481 2574903


YRS invites applications for KISCE

The Directorate of Youth Resources & Sports has invited applications to the following posts for the Khelo India Centre of Excellence Schemes (KISCE) at Indira Gandhi Stadium, Kohima for a period of 4(four) years under the Department of Youth Resources and Sports, Nagaland, Kohima.


Sl. No.

Place of Posting


Number of Post



KISCE, Kohima

High performance Manager


Rs.1,00,000-1,50,000/-pm as per SAI hiring norms


KISCE, Kohima

Head Coach

3 (Wrestling,

Archery and


Rs.1,00,000-1,50,000/-pm As per SAI hiring norms


KISCE, Kohima

Young Professional


Rs.40,000 pm as per SAI hiring norms


KISCE, Kohima

Masseur, Grade-II


Rs. 35,000/-pm as per SAI hiring norms


KISCE, Kohima

Strength & Conditioning Expert Lead


Rs.60,000-Rs.80,000/-pm as per SAI hiring norms



Eligible candidates may download details from the following link



Filled in forms may be submitted at [email protected] on or before January 18 2021 at 4 pm.


P&AR Department invites applications

In pursuance to Section 5 of the Nagaland Staff Selection Board Regulations, 2020, the Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department has informed that applications are invited for filling up the posts of Chairman and Members under Nagaland Staff Selection Board (NSSB), Government of Nagaland in the manner prescribed below:


Item No.1:      1 (one) post of Chairman

Item No.2:      2 (two) posts of Members


Item No.1:      a). At least 30 years of experience in public administration, public service and academics for appointment to the post of Chairman provided that there should not have been any disciplinary action taken against them during their service.

Item No.2:      b). At least 25 years of experience in public administration, public service and academics for appointment to the post of Member provided that there should not have been any disciplinary action taken against them during their service.


There shall be paid to the Chairman a salary fixed at ` 1, 44,000 per month and the Member shall be paid a salary of ` 1, 18,000 per month along with Dearness Allowances at rates notified by the Government of Nagaland from time to time. In case of a retired person, his/her pension will be deducted from the above salary.

For further details of terms of employment, please see P & AR Notification No. AR-3/GEN-374/2020 dated 20.07.2020.


a.        While submitting the applications, the candidate is requested to submit biodata/ service details/ experience in proforma at Annexure-I attached which can also be downloaded from the Department’s website

b.        Last date for submission of application shall be within 20 (Twenty) days from the date of publication of this advertisement.

c.        Online application will be accepted vide official email: [email protected]m.

d.        Only Indigenous Inhabitants of the Nagaland State can apply for the above posts as per the P & AR Department Notification No. AR-8/8/76 dated 28/04/1977.


Department of P& AR Issues Vacancy Circular

Applications are invited for induction/selection to the IAS cadre of Nagaland from eligible officers serving under the State Government of Nagaland other than the State Civil Service/State Police Service/State Forest  Service and State Judicial service to fill up 1(one) post of IAS for the select list 2019.

Applications along with service details/Bio-data and complete ACR/APARs dossiers and duly recommended by the respective AHODs  should be submitted to the Commissioner & Secretary, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms on or before July 20 2020.

Eligibility criteria:

1.      Officers not belonging to the State Civil Service but serving in connection with the affairs of the State who:

                    i.            is of outstanding merit and ability,

                  ii.            holds a gazetted post in a substantive capacity,

                iii.            has completed not less than 8(eight) years of continuous service under the State Government on the first day of January 2019 in a post which has been declared equivalent to the post of Deputy Collector in the State Civil Service.

2.      The upper age limit will be 56 years as on 01.01.2019 i.e the date of determination of select list 2019.

3.      Officers with adverse remarks in the APAR or pending disciplinary/ criminal cases should not be recommended.

4.      Only officers recruited through the Nagaland Public Service Commission may apply.


Job of graphic designer etc

Graphic designer, producer/post-producer. For images, banners for news shows, articles etc. 

Producer for podcasts & video shows.

Contact: [email protected]

Specially Appointed Assistant Professor

We are inviting applications for the position of Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (Sawamura group), Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (ICReDD), Hokkaido University. The deadline is Tuesday, March 31, 2020 (JST).

1. Name of Recruiting Institution
National University Corporation Hokkaido University

2. Position and number of openings
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, one opening

3. Employment Term
From the starting date to March 31, 2021
(Renewal of appointment may be offered until April 30, 2025)

4. Department
Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery

5. Location
Sapporo, Hokkaido (Hokkaido University)

6. Research Field
Organometallic Catalysis

7. Job description
Research on the creation of chemical reactions by developing new catalytic reactions using transition metals

8. Qualifications
(1) PhD at the time of appointment
(2) Outstanding achievements and publications in the research field
(3) Strong motivation for research and other duties related to the management of the ICReDD
(4) Efficient communication skills in English for research activities
(5) Ability to conduct research activities effectively both independently and in a team
(6) International experience preferred

9. Desired Starting Date
May 1, 2020 or as early as possible after acceptance is notified (yet, still negotiable)

10. Probation Period
The probation period is one month.

11. Salary
Annual Salary System
*The salary will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University.

12. Working Form
Discretionary labor system for professional work
*The standard working hours for a day is deemed as 7 hours and 45 minutes.

13. Health Insurance and Pension
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association Services including Health Insurance and Employee Pension, Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance

14. Application Materials
(1) Curriculum Vitae
*Free format with an attached profile photo of the applicant, the following information should be included:
Name, current address, telephone number and Email address, Date of Birth, academic history, degree(s), career history, awards, membership of organizations etc.
*Applicant who has been employed by Hokkaido University from April 1, 2013 (any position, including Part-time Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Teaching Fellow, Research Assistant and Short-term Support Assistant, etc.) should provide full details of your employment history.
(2) List of research activities, including original scientific papers, book chapters, other publications, awards, and other relevant activities (item by item).
(3) PDF reprints of major five publications and their summaries
(4) Summary of past and current research (two A4 page or less)
(5) Statement of proposal for your future research (two A4 page or less)
(6) A list of two references (including the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses)

15. Application Deadline
Tuesday, March 31, 2020 (JST)
*The deadline must be strictly observed.

16. Application Submission
Combine all the documents above into one PDF file and send to the following e-mail address:
E-mail: recruit AT
*Change AT into @ when sending an e-mail.
Please put "Application for Specially Appointed Assistant Professor in ICReDD (Sawamura group)" in the subject box.

Or the printed-out documents should be sent to the following address via registered mail with "Application for Specially Appointed Assistant Professor in ICReDD (Sawamura group)" in red ink on the surface of the envelope.
Administrative office of Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery, Hokkaido University Kita 21 Nishi 10, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 001-0021 Japan
*The documents once submitted will not be returned. Personal information will be exclusively used for the screening.

17. Inquiries
Prof. Masaya Sawamura
Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (ICReDD), Hokkaido University
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Kita 10 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan
Phone: +81-11-706-3434
E-mail: sawamura AT
*Change AT into @ when sending an e-mail.

News Editor (AFP)

Agence France-Presse (AFP), one of the world's leading news agencies, is looking for dynamic, experienced editors to join its English-language newsdesk at its Asian headquarters in Hong Kong.

The successful applicants will have a proven track record in journalism, with experience of handling and editing top global stories to real-time deadlines. Knowledge of French would be a major advantage. We are looking for journalists with exemplary writing skills, excellent news judgement and the ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced, dynamic newsroom. The roles are editing positions which can lead to reporting assignments and longer term correspondent postings. A sound understanding of economics and strong multimedia skills are all essential. Knowledge of Asian affairs and foreign languages desirable.

To apply, send a CV and some writing samples to [email protected]

For more information: https://046bf39b9daf36ce0095-33acbcb3f287c635718c22b2d7e1f349.ssl.cf3.ra...


RRII: Walk in interview for Junior Research Fellow      

Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) proposes to engage a ‘Junior Research Fellow’ in its Pathology Division on a consolidated remuneration, through a walk-in-interview. Candidate must hold a first class Master’s degree in either in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Botany, Microbiology. Experience in molecular biology and microbial techniques desirable. Age should not exceed 30 years as on February 29 2020.  Interested candidates may report before Director of Research, Rubber Research Institute of India, Rubber Board, Kottayam - 9, at 10am on March 18 2020 along with their original certificates in proof of age, qualification and experience.  For details visit  Phone: 0481 2353311.


NEC calls for applications on deputation

The North Eastern Council Secretariat is looking for the services of a suitable officer for filling up the post of Director (Plan Evaluation and Monitoring) on deputation (including short contract) basis as per the provision of Recruitment Rules. The pay and other terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in accordance with DOPT's O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt(Pay II) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from time to time. Cadre authorities/Head of Departments are requested to forward applications of eligible and willing candidates whose services can be spared on Deputation (including short term contract) basis immediately so as to reach the Deputy Secretary (Admn.) within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. For eligibility criteria, job requirement, qualifications and experience, as per Annexure-I, prescribed format of Curriculum Vitae Proforma as per Annexure-II and for other necessary details, please visit the NEC website


Urgent openings at Firstpost

1. Graphic illustrator

2. Animation + Motion graphics designer

3. Video producer - Must be able to shoot and edit independently

4. Sub-Editor for Social Media Desk

All the roles are Mumbai based. Applicants must've 1-2 years of work experience.

You can mail your CVs and portfolio/work samples to [email protected]

Posted on January 17 2020


Job in Bangalore

Looking for PR/communications practitioners with abilities and experience in:

a) owning, crafting and delivering thoughtful integrated campaigns

b) effectively articulating the impact and promise of new technologies and categories

c) exceptional client servicing

d) earning the trust of clients, colleagues and partners through consistency, commitment and on-time delivery 

Business orientation with working knowledge of P&L ownership/new business development will be an advantage.

Experience - 9-12 years in journalism/PR/corporate communications and related fields, specializing in technology

Location - Bangalore

Apply. Send your resume to [email protected]


Indian Express

The Indian Express is looking for copy editors with 3-5 years of experience.

The vacancy is for the print edition and the job is based in Noida, Delhi NCR.

Familiarity with Quark is a bonus.

Mail your CV to [email protected]


Life Insurance Corporation of India 

LIC has released official notification for the job openings of 8,500 Assistant vacancies.

Closing - October 2019

No of Posts and Vacancies

Assistant – 8500 Posts

Check following link for information and eligibilities


Hindustan Times

HT City (Sub-editors / Senior Sub-editors / Chief Sub-editors)

* Full-time, Desk

* Location: New Delhi

* Experience: 2-5 years (Digital / Print media)

* Skills desired: Knowledge of and interest in films, television, lifestyle and culture.

* Salary: According to industry standards

* Interview location: New Delhi (Shortlisted candidates will be called in for a copy test)

Looking for sharp people with a nose for news and a strong grip on grammar.

If you can write well, edit error-free copies and can deal with deadlines, you're the one we're looking for!

Please send your CVs and a cover letter to [email protected]



Crisil is looking for Editors with at least 2-4 years experience, preferably in a financial publication. Candidate should be good at editing and rewriting. Familiarity with the corporate and finance world will be an advantage. This is mostly a work from home job, but the candidate should preferably be Mumbai-based.

Write to Raj Nambisan, Director-Editorial, Crisil, at [email protected]


Deccan Chronicle Group

The Deccan Chronicle Group (New Media) is hiring trainee Sub-Editors for its Mumbai office.

There are vacancies in the technology department.

Those staying in Mumbai will be given preference.

Send in your CV to [email protected] / [email protected]