Estd. 2006
SlNoTitle / SubjectRODepartmentUpload DateClossing Date 
1 PNIT No. 17 / EE/PWD(R&B)/ KMP / DIV / 2024-2 5 (ICA/C-2424/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)14-11-202412-12-2024.
2 PNie· T NO:- 32/EE-I/2024-25, Dated 11/11/2024 (ICA/C-2418/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)14-11-202412-12-2024.
3 PNIT No. F. 27/EE/PWD(R&B)/KHW/ 2024-25 (ICA/C-2406/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)14-11-202406-12-2024.
4 PRESS NOTICE INVITING e -TENDER NO: 23/PNieT/EE/PWD/SBM/DIV/2024-25 Dated- 07-11-2024 (ICA/C-2394/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)12-11-202412-12-2024.
5 NIT No:- 09/EE/WRD-11/2024-2025 Dated 05-11-2024 (ICA/C-2355/2024-25)PWD (Water Resources)11-11-202406-12-2024.
6 PNie-T No-08/EE/KCP/2024-2025. Dated, 06-11-2024 (ICA/C-2334/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)08-11-202405-12-2024.
7 PRESS NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER No:-11/PNie-T /EE/WRD-IV /BLN/2024-25 Dt. 05-11-2024 (ICA/C-2315/2024-25)PWD (Water Resources)07-11-202405-12-2024.
8 NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NIT) NO: 20/EE/Divn.III/PWD(R&B)/2024-25 , Dt 04.11.2024 (ICA/C-2282/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)05-11-202428-11-2024.
9 e-P.NIT No. : 14/EE-V/AGT/PWD(R&B)/24-25 Dated 28th Oct ,2024 (ICA/C-2227/2024-25)PWD (Roads and Buildings)31-10-202405-12-2024.
10 NOTIFICATION FOR "STATE STIPEND SCHEME", under Higher Education Department Academic year 2024-25 (ICA/C-2198/2024-25)Education (Higher)30-10-202406-12-2024.